The 4 things to take into account before you start:
- Words don’t live
- Words don’t matter
- Words don’t mean
- Words don’t sense
Believing that words could do any of the above 4 presupposes that they have the organs required. But unlike you, words don’t have any, organs that is.
Unlike you…
Words don’t live
The ones with the organs to stay alive are the word-users, that is you, me, and approximately 9 billion like us.
Words don’t matter
The proof that words don’t matter is what yesterday’s post is about.
Words don’t mean
You’ll never hear a word speak. The ones with the organs to speak meaning to words are the word-users — you, me, and approximately 9 billion like you and me.
Words don’t sense
Words don’t make sense. The ones with the senses, the sensational ones, are you, me, and approximately 9 billion like the two of us.
Words just are
They don’t do a thing.
Words couldn’t if they tried.
Before you start on your way to becoming a master of words, as opposed to a victim of words, take the above 4 things into account.
If you don’t, you’re bound to remain where you are.
When it’s about words, it’s all up to you.
Who knows better than I?
I can’t do it for you, but I can lend a helping hand.
If so inclined, book a FREE call or email beat@schindlersword.com
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I slowly enter into “mastering words” but my question is; how then do we share experience, make projects with friends, etc, etc explain the way to use a machine…there must be a junction somewhere…
Well, as my post I trust explains, you do the things you mention, and more, by being a master of words or a victim of words, depending on which of the two gets the desired results for you throughout the year.