One of the best frameworks to use if you want it simple is THE SIMPLE METHOD which, true to its title, is simple because it reminds anyone using it that everything — including you, me, and approximately 9 billion like us —…

…is energy — summarised by Einstein’s formula of “E=mc²”.
Energy’s character is that it can be detected only by instruments especially built for the purpose, including the LUX-Zeplin in South Dakota (USA), the world’s most sensitive detector which is able to detect the smallest energy in the universe, that of the neutrino, also known as the ghost particle. But in contrast to the ghost particle, words possess zero matter. Words are the only thing in the universe with zero matter and zero energy.
Practically speaking, that means words don’t matter.
Never before has it been considered that the ghost particle would be beat by words, until now. Hence words now defy our understanding of how the universe works.
Words cannot be detected inside of you, me, and approximately 9 billion like us, by even the most sensitive machines on Earth built for the purpose. But don’t worry, be grateful instead.
As luck would have it, we have what it takes to detect words within each of us. We’re born with more sense than the most sensitive machines on Earth. The sensational ones, the ones with the senses, are us, the word-users.
Despite this, we don’t detect words even in broad daylight. That’s because words have one thing in common with the stars — they behave like them. Like the stars are there even in the full sun, so are the words. The reason we don’t see them is we mistake them for what they describe. We look at a star and think it’s a star. We don’t see that star is a word. We’re fooling ourselves, and each other.
I’ve documented this in a previous post: You know it’s a word when you have a word for it, or when you know it.
THE SIMPLE METHOD explains that mistaking words for what they describe is a BIG mistake, which makes it one of the best frameworks to use if you want it simple beyond the shadow of a doubt.
Call it a dream, it doesn’t change anything.
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