Safe is not what’s going on
Safety and security are not found in what’s going on within you and without you.
Because that can change any minute now. We live in an uncertain world.
Safe and secure are found only in knowing how you respond to what’s going on within you and without you.
Still, it mightn’t be as simple as it looks at first sight. That’s because you belong to the only animal specie that dreamt of more words so much that it’s now drowning in them.
The result? Simply put, everything you respond to are words. Of course, it’s not just about your responses, we all respond to words together.
The current word-total is in excess of millions (billions according to some word-users) with more getting added as we speak, which explains why word-users have no choice but to respond to nothing but words.
Should you find something that you respond to that’s not a word, you must let everybody know — in the comments below — because you’re doing what’s never been done since the beginning of words.
Swords Words
Every word-user sees that words and swords are only a letter apart. In other words, it’s of utmost importance that you know the difference between the two.
Which begs the question of what is real and what is not, doesn’t it?
You might be torn between what’s real and what is not, but you also realise that real remains the only place to get a good meal.
You might even call words a dream and see it doesn’t make any difference.
Safety and security are found only in knowing how you will respond to what’s going on within you and without you AHEAD OF TIME. Yup, that means you must know BEFORE things go on.
What’s going on doesn’t matter.
All that matters is knowing how you respond AHEAD of time. Nowhere else can safety and security be found.
Decide how you respond ahead of time, then see many other decisions making themselves at the same time.
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#creativity #RespondBeforeReact #selfimprovement #word
“Should you find something that you respond to that’s not a word°
When you see someone trying to reach a product in a supermarket and to short to get it, you might just do it for that person, without a word… or if someone run after a child running on the road and you stop it… Simple gestures can replace words in some cases
Marie-Claire, near as I can see with my eyes, everything in your comment is a word, mainly because everything you have a word for, including for every product, gesture, and for everything you know is a word, too. Maybe your eyes are not made for seeing words? That said, I’m the first one to agree I could be wrong