When you look at money, what do you see?
You’ve noticed that my posts on Thursday and Friday this week were missing, so I’m catching up on this Saturday and Sunday instead. The weekend are posting rest days for one like me, but rules are there to be broken, that’s what rules are for.
Today’s post is titled…
“When you look at money, what do you see?”
If you’re looking to see, you’re seeing as we speak that like everything else you have a word for and know, money is a word.
What does that make you feel, seeing that money is like everything — a word?
Even if you call it a dream, it doesn’t change a thing, including that you cannot trust any word, that you can trust only what you know of a word, and that money is no exception.
I learned, not about words but about trust, from Anthony de Mello’s book “Awakening: Conversations with the Masters”.
I learned myself that everything you know is a word. This is, unless you know of an exception, of course. Can you think of an exception, of anything you know that’s not a word? If so, please enter that thing in the comments below for everybody to see and be inspired by it in turn.
You can think about it and…
- Forget it and think about another word instead.
- Wonder what it describes, and then find out how others describe money at Wikipedia , or how it’s described by AI: “Money is a medium of exchange that is widely accepted in transactions for goods and services. It serves several key functions in an economy: 1. Medium of Exchange: Money facilitates trade by eliminating the inefficiencies of barter, where goods and services are exchanged directly. 2. Unit of Account: Money provides a standard measure of value, making it easier to compare the worth of different goods and services. 3. Store of Value: Money can be saved and retrieved in the future, maintaining its value over time, which allows individuals to save and plan for future expenses. Standard of Deferred Payment: Money is used to settle debts, allowing for agreements on future payments. Money can take various forms, including physical currency (coins and banknotes), digital currency (such as cryptocurrencies), and bank deposits. Its value is often derived from the trust and acceptance of the people using it, as well as government backing in the case of fiat currencies”, or you can describe it yourself, or you feel what money makes you feel.
My favorites are the latter two.
When you describe money yourself, you dramatically increase your chances to remember it.
If you follow me on LinkedIn, you know I think that feelings ought to be on top your totem pole. Your feelings determine what you go after and what you avoid next, the results you’ll achieve, what the results will make you feel, and then the circle — well, you know that stuff — rinse and repeat, forever and a day.
Feel, don’t think!
>>> What’s your view on this? <<<
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PS. Tomorrow’s post will be about my personal money experience.
“Knowledge gained through experience is far superior and many times more useful than bookish value.” – Mahatma Gandhi
PPS. Click here for your (free) copy of MONEY QUOTES WORTH READING TWICE selected for you by yours truly.
#FinancialAwakening #creativity #selfimprovement #word #cmba