What I know about money.
What I know about money is in small part from hearsay and in large part from experience.
YEARS 1-10: All I knew about money during the early years was from hearsay, from my parents talking about it and perhaps from voices out of the radio too. I never got any. I didn’t know this until I witnessed my classmates pay for snacks at school. That’s how I knew that my parents didn’t have enough to share with my sister and I. I also had no clue that it wasn’t a question of money each time my mum decided between the Swiss eggs and the imported eggs. On the contrary, I was interested in how it worked instead, hence asked my mum “How do the chicken know (which eggs to lay?)”.
Years 10-25: Witnessed my friends own cars, with me still car-less, and understood there are two types of word-users, those born with a silver spoon and those born with a wooden fork. “Bad luck is when it rains soup, everybody has got spoons, you’re the only one with a fork” (Polo Hofer). So I decided to acquire some stuff I didn’t pay for and remained a part-time thief until I saw the insanity of it.
Years 25-50: Earned & saved more money than I ever dreamed. Attended seminars with Jack Canfield, Tony Robbins, Dan Kennedy, Mike Dooley, and Lisa Zahiya, in sometimes exotic places (Hawaii, Virgin Islands, California), decided not to die an employee, and been solopreneur ever since.
Year 63: Got bankrupt (sparing you the details), lost what money can buy, including the house, car, and everything in it, and was left with $800 in my jeans pocket.
Years 63-Now: With the help from family, friends, and the Swiss government, got back onto my feet financially, with room for improvement, for I decided to leave my sons with a financial legacy too, known as inheritance.
Year 68: Discovered that everything I know is a word and that money is no exception, which is the topic of my yesterday’s post. Following the word-epiphany that changed me and the world more than anything before, with the possible exception of my birth, I also wrote several books, including “THE ORIGIN OF HUMANITY BY WHAT CAN BE DENIED ONLY BY CONFIRMING IT”.
“The only source of knowledge is experience.” – Albert Einstein
“Knowledge gained through experience is far superior and many times more useful than bookish value.” – Mahatma Gandhi
If you’re a financial pro, what advice do you have for one like me? Except °If I had more money, I’d have a better life, and if I had a better life, I’d have more money” ‘cos this I know not from hearsay, but from experience.
Seriously, let me know in the comments below or by email to beat@schindlersword.com
Thank you in advance!
PS. For your (free) copy of MONEY QUOTES WORTH READING TWICE selected for you by yours truly, click the link in the title.
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