The #1 mistake I see many word-users make with you is mistaking it for what it isn’t.
Many word-users mistake you for what it describes. But that’s mistaking it for what it’s not.
You is what you’re looking at, a word. As is everything else you have a word for. Believe it or not makes no difference.
It’s not just about you of course. It applies to all words.
For you to describe anything takes a scribe, that is a word-user that learned how to write at school.
Practically speaking, you is no exception to that everything you know is, in fact, a word.
It’s not just about you of course. It also includes truth (”Everything we see is a perspective, not the truth.” – Marcus Aurelius), Ra, Ashur, God, Bond, I, me, and Switzerland, to name a few.
Which confirms that the only thing you’ll ever read or hear are words.
In other words, there are no truths here to be found. What you make of them is all up to you.
There are no candles in the window, you must find your own way home, to each their own.
- Many word-users react angry when informed that you is a word.
- “Come on, gimme a break, I’m more that that!”
- “Come on, gimme a break, Ra, Ashur, God, and Bond are more than that!”
- As the case may be.
- If a word is more, it’s because word-users made it so, and then believe it, too.
- A word can be denied only by confirming it (a word used means it’s confirmed).
- You will continue to suffer if you have an emotional response to everything that is said to you.
- Because if words control you means everyone else can control you.
- If you don’t know words well, you don’t know how to decide words well.
- If you don’t know how to decide words well, others will decide them for you.
Now, I’d love to hear from you
- What do you think of you — a word or what it describes?
- How do you define you?
- What’s the value, if any, from today’s post?
>>> What’s your view on this?
>>> Reshare if you agree
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