Today: About nothing but growth.
Back in ‘62, Dylan’s telephone rang. It would not stop. President Kennedy calling him up.
He said, “My friend Bob, what do we need to make the country grow?”
Bob said, “My friend John, Brigitte Bardot, Anita Ekberg, Sophia Loren, country’ll grow”.
Though I listen to “I Shall Be Free” while I’m writing this post, it isn’t the growth I have in mind 62 years later.
The times they have a-changed, but the word-user’s growth still depends on the truths we can stomach without the need for an ambulance.
Here are 2 outstanding truths that won’t change according to our ability to stomach them:
- Everything is a word.
- We’re animals with words.
Everything you have a word for is a word. Everything you know is a word.
These two statements can be denied only by confirming them, that is by using a word.
As with gravity, there’s nothing you can do about it. Just as you can ignore the laws of gravity, so you can ignore the laws of words, but neither words nor gravity will be impressed.
Words sit on our noses, as it were, as glasses, and everything we look at, we see through them. It doesn’t even occur to take them off.
Yet, we still don’t accept “Word=Word”.
This despite the fact that Ludwig Wittgenstein said “All I know is what I have words for, call it a dream, it does not change anything” 104 years ago, and Samuel Becket said “Words are all we have” 55 years ago.
Yet, as if nothing happened, smartphones all over the world still keep on proclaiming “a word is a unit of language with a specific meaning that is typically made up of one or more morphemes. It is used to communicate and can exist in various forms such as spoken or written.”
Though we breathe, eat, drink, eliminate, procreate, sense, and behave like animals, we still can’t stomach that we are (animals) without the need for an ambulance.
The only difference between us and the other 8.7 to 16 million is that we are the only specie with words. That’s what Becket is saying with “Words are all we have”.
Even if you don’t see the reasons, that doesn’t mean they’re not there*. The main reason, the reason on the top of our totem pole:
”Strange times are these in which we live when old and young are taught falsehoods in school.”
Plato said that 2,500 years ago.
Did Plato say that to prove the times they have a-changed, but that the schools have not? It’s too late to ask Plato now.
What do you think?
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The only thing in this post are words. Approximately 1,500 of them. In other words, there are no truths here to be found. What you make of words here or elsewhere is outside of my control, all up to you. Results are never typical and hard to predict. You must obtain professional advice before taking any action based on words.
*PS. You might want to read again.
#WordsOfWisdom #inspiration #personaldevelopment #word