“How can I differentiate my brand with so many brands are out there?” is the question I often get asked.
With my brand words — what a word is, does, and have — “How can I differentiate my brand with so many brands in the world?” is the question that I often get asked, often by myself.
I do words like Coca-Cola does Coca-Cola and Starbucks does coffee, however, with a difference BIG as any mountain that I should know about as I live and love in Switzerland.
Even in Switzerland, nobody knows I’ve got a brand.
“You have to work hard to make it simple, but it’s worth it in the end because once you get there, you can move mountains” said the late Steve Jobs.
Make it simple, move mountains — I’ve got my work cut for me.
My brand, “Words”, they sit on our noses, as it were, as glasses, and what we look at, we see through them. To most word-users it doesn’t even occur to take them off. But I’ve got time, I’m a word myself, tenacious, destined to persevere, with a vision, guardian angels, muses, fairies, genies, family, and friends on my side.
I mightn’t be a brand yet, but I’m working on it. Or will die trying. Whatever comes first.
Sure, words are a hard sell because word-users tell me they learned words at school. Except what’s not learned at school, such as to see, you must forget the word of what you’re looking at, “old and young are taught falsehoods in school” (Plato, 2410 years ago), “the school system is the homogenizing hopper into which we toss our integral tots for processing” (Marshall McLuhan, 78 years ago), and “when I look back on all the crap I learned in high school, it’s a wonder I can think at all” (Paul Simon, 42 years ago), to name a few.
Words are needed, beyond the shadow of a doubt, as are the earlier invented cells, plants, animals, eyes and brains are needed. The question is what are they needed for?
You tell me for I don’t have a clue.
Meanwhile, many word-users say of two words that they are identical, which is nonsense, and of one word that it is identical with itself, which is to say nothing, all this while not knowing what they’re doing. If they knew, new landscapes would unfold that they’d realise have been there all along, that the unfolding is them.
With or without a brand, I’m working on it.
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#BrandDifferentiation #WordPower #SimpleYetImpactful