According to the internet, he is considered the father of archeology.
Talking about Ciriaco de’ Pizzecolli (born 633 years ago / died 572 years ago). He walked the Earth when the sun, according to the religionists, was barely a few thousand years old.
Much water has gone under the bridge since. Though time is relative, 600 years is relatively long. The religionists may have reluctantly changed their beliefs since then, partly because of the work of this other word-user my yesterday’s post was about, Hasan Ibn Al-Haytham.
Back to Ciriaco de’ Pizzecolli. I didn’t walk the Earth when Ciriaco did, but given the dominance of the Catholic church at the time — around 600 years ago was the golden age of the Catholic inquisition — I image he knew it was safe to believe what the Catholics preached, or else. Despite this, he dared to question what they said, hence decided to become what he is now, considered the father of archeology.
As a result of that decision, interest in the past was new 600 years ago, and the Catholics jumped onto Ciriaco’s band wagon hoping it wouldn’t provide fresh insights, heresy among the religionists. They hoped instead archeology would confirm their version of what happened before they were born.
They predicted de’ Pizzecolli would find the nails on Jesus’ cross, rediscover the stone rolled away from the his tomb, and locate the angel or angels announcing to a select group of females God’s son had risen from the dead.
When it turned out the opposite happened, that fresh insights were gained instead, the Catholics bailed out in a hurry.
Be as it may, interest in the past has grown to levels unimagined in Ciriaco de’ Pizzecolli times.
The rest, as the saying goes, is a different story, including the story I’m the author of, the story of words.
Why is archeology not pastology?
What has arch got to do with past?
Near as I can tell, only the grammarians know and I’m still waiting to meet my first one face to face.
When I do, I’ll ask.
How about you, have you met your first grammarian yet?
#futurism #HistoryAndFaith #personaldevelopment #word