Words are not valued and 100% of everything I know are words.
Only the meaning of words is valued, and that words don’t mean anything is what yesterday’s post is about.
Without meaning, nothing happens.
Try this: Forget the meaning of waking up. Before the night is over, you’ll discover that you stay asleep until you remember the meaning of waking up in your sleep.
That explains the best I can the meaning of words.
When it’s about meaning, there are two types:
- Type 1: Meaningful words
These are words we know the meaning of without looking them up.They include feel, hear, touch, smell, taste, see, dream, day, night, wonder, and miracle, to name a few.
Put differently, meaningful words are experienced.
. - Type 2: Meaningless words
These are words nobody knows the meaning of while everybody insists the opposite is true.They include talking tea pots, animals, plants, mountains, gods and other superheros, and also human, life, mind, nature, truth, and real, to name a few.
Put differently, meaningless words are imagined.
Trying to extract meaning from meaningless words is like trying to extract fish from fish soup.
Others will believe you’ve gone bonkers.
But no-one will stop you.
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