Everything we have a word for is a word.
But that’s not all.
Words have rules.
Rule #1: Words do not matter
See https://tinyurl.com/3sdy9fcn
Rule #2: If you have a word for it, it’s a word
Rule #3: If you know it, it’s a word
Rule #4: Words are yours
In self-talk or aloud, whenever you speak a word, that word will be yours for nobody else can speak it for you.
Rule #5: A word can be denied only by confirming it
If you want to deny a word, it cannot be done without using it.
Rule #6: Words are how word-users aim at what they’re looking for
Whenever word-users are looking for anything — such as heartbreak, success, happiness, more, time, problem, solution, agreement, direction, or decision, to name a few, they use the word they’re looking for.
Rule #7: Words are the limits of your world
Words are a prison, but even a prison is a home if you have the key.
The key is now in THE ORIGIN OF HUMANITY for everybody to see.
Rule #8: A word is never another (word)
- Words are Language
- Time is Money
- Knowledge is Power
- God is Love
To say of two things that they are identical is nonsense. And to say of one thing that it is identical with itself is to say nothing.” – Ludwig Wittgenstein
“Anyone who tries to make a distinction between education and entertainment doesn’t know the first thing about either.” – Marshall McLuhan
If your words don’t have rules, you’re doing it wrong.
Follow the rules above to see words work for you (as opposed to against you).
When you change how you look at words, you change.
Beyond the shadow of a doubt.
On that, my friend, I give you my word.
As we speak, I use it to help myself and others to experience freedom never experienced before.