Contrary to popular belief, words don’t matter. I should know.
Of course, I may be wrong for I’ve studied words during the past 8 years only.
8 years doesn’t even compare to those word-users that made the study of words their careers from the start — the linguists, lexicographers, publishers of dictionaries, etymologists, grammarians, semanticians, semioticians, and translators, to name a few.
Being none of the above, I’m simply a word-user — a user of words — that cares to know what he’s talking about. On top of that, I’m also the author of THE ORIGIN OF HUMANITY.
Different things are being said about words depending on what is saying them.
In a book its authors and believers swear contains nothing but the truth, it is written in the beginning is the word.
But nothing is believed until it’s true and what to believe is a question of character and personal preference, to each their own.
Many word-users will have heard of “e = mc²”.
It says the universe is energy (as opposed to made of energy).
Energy is electric charge, hence matter, which doesn’t exist until it is observed by an instrument that can detect it. However, all energy is not the same. There exists one form of energy that’s more difficult to measure than any other energy discovered so far.
That energy is the neutrinos — also known as the ghost particle — particles far smaller than atoms. Only laboratories equipped with the world’s most sensitive detectors are able to measure them — the Fermilab in Illinois and the LUX-Zeplin in South Dakota, both in the USA, and the CERN’s particle accelerator in Switzerland and France, among others.
The reason we call the universe universe instead of energy has got nothing to do with the universe being energy. We name it universe because in the beginning is the word.
If it wasn’t for the word in the beginning — if the word wasn’t in the beginning of everything we have a word for, including for humanity, energy, and universe — then nothing exists.
Unique verse.
Get it?
All word-users are unique like every other word-user. Therefore, we each have our own unique verses, known or ignored only to us, our own unique way of seeing the world.
Words are void of energy.
Practically speaking, words don’t matter.
Not even the most sensitive detectors in the world are able to detect words in word-users. The only ones able to detect words are the word-users.
Of all the particles discovered so far, the strangest by far is the word.
Maybe because it isn’t a particle at all. Maybe because it’s the only thing in the world that doesn’t matter.
It’s a mystery.
There is no maybe about it.
Words defy our understanding of how the universe works.
- “In the beginning is the word.” – The word masters
- “Using words to talk of words is like using a pencil to draw a picture of itself, on itself.” – Patrick Rothfuss
- “What a word means, a sentence cannot say.” – Ludwig Wittgenstein
- “Call it a dream, it doesn’t change anything.” – Ludwig Wittgenstein
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