Good or bad, words deliver results.
You own your words.
Or you leave that part of your job to others who will be happy to comply.
The advantage of owning the words you use is that you understand and know your words.
On the downside — if you leave that part of your job to others who will be happy to comply — you risk to have an emotional reaction to everything that is said to you. If so, that means that everybody and everything can control you, including the talking heads on the news, on TV, the internet, and on social media.
You don’t want to remain a victim of words.
You want to be a master of words instead.
If you’re ready to pay the price, it instantly gives you:
- More options
- More power
- More leverage
- More value anywhere
If not, if you think education is expensive, ignorance is more expensive than that.
On that, I give you my word.
Who knows better than I?
If you’re ready to pay the price — it takes work — I can show you how words deliver results good or bad.
Book a FREE call or email beat@schindlersword.com
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