If we don’t know words
- We don’t know what we are, what we do, and what we have.
- We don’t know there’s a difference between the three.
- We don’t know what our ancestors, parents, sisters, and brothers are, do, and have.
- We don’t know what words do to us. Therefore we cannot have empathy for what words do to our children regardless of gender.
- We don’t see words for what they are. Therefore we don’t know everything we know is a word.
- We don’t hear words for what they are. Therefore we don’t know everything we have a word for is a word.
- We don’t know the story of words either. Therefore we don’t know how it all began.
- You don’t know the story of words. Therefore you don’t know how you began either.
See the difference knowing words will make once the story of words is told at schools throughout the lands?