Word is great, beautiful, and oh so fascinating that some readers might expect it to be true.
Well, word is even greater, beautifuller, and fascinatinger than that.
Among the fascinating features of words is that’s what you’re looking at since this article began to the end, from its headline to its takeaway, and of course everything in between — nothing but words.
You can see them but you cannot touch ’em
As you read on, should you mistake my use of words to contain any truths, relax, it‘s a common mistake that happens in the best of families.
There are no truths here to be found.
The only thing you’ll find here are words.
More than a thousand in fact.
What you do with them is all up to you.
You’re in control.
All the truth in the world adds up to one big lie.
If despite this you believe what’s told at kindergartens, schools, and universities, that means you’re among the many who believe in a beginning without an end.
That means you believe in the beginning is a big bang, a fictional character, or a mystery.
Though a beginning without an end is impossible, you won’t be arrested by the police. On the contrary, it only means that like the police you’re part of the majority.
Only if you’re part of the minority do you practice active noticing of what’s going on within you and without you.
Only a minority of word-users know how within you and without you began.
In the beginning is the word
That in the beginning is the word can be denied only by confirming it.
In other words, you cannot deny a word without using it.
But even so, a question remains for those of you who find it hard to believe in a beginning you may not have heard about or thought of previously.
“In the beginning of what?”
Naturally, the answer is “In the beginning of everything you have a word for.”
Other than that?
Other than in the beginning of everything we have a word for, what else is word?

Before you can even begin to understand word, there are two steps you might find hard to take.
- Accept there is a difference between what word is, what word does, and what word has.
- Accept there’s no difference between word and words.

In singular and plural they is/are, does/do, and has/have the identical.
When you accept that word and words are the same, you then also understand that how one word works is how all words work.
You are naturally free to not accept the two steps most word-users find hard to take, if at the same time you also accept that you won’t understand word and words in exchange.
You may even ask why which words allow given that why is among them.
One step at a time: Words ARE
Words are the latest in the chain of inventions made by the four elements — fire, wind, earth, and water — that also invented the planet, the cells, the plants, the animals, the eyes and the brains, before they proceded to also invent the words and us, the word-users.
I hear you.
“If so, how can the word be in the beginning?”
The word is in the beginning of words, also known as in the beginning of the After Words, and in the end of wordless, also known as in the end of the Before Words.

Put differently, the word is in the beginning of everything you know.
Everything you know
You know beginning because you know what beginning describes.
You know Mount Everest because you know what Mount Everest describes.
You know screw because you know what screw describes.
You know driver because you know what driver describes.
You know tool because you know what tool describes.
And so it is with everything you know.
What else?
Maybe the fact that the word is in the beginning (of everything you have a word for) doesn’t answer every question you might have about words.
Perhaps one more question remains at the back of what many word-users consider the back of your mind (whatever that is supposed to be).
“What else can you show me?”
Well, In addition to in the beginning, words are a tool.
Like any tool, words can work for you or they can kill you.
But that has got nothing to do with the tool. It all depends on what you do with it.
It’s not the word. It’s the user.
You’re in control.
Keep your word and many decisions are already made
In that sense, the word is no different to your ears, eyes, brains, hands, hair, and feet.
You are in control.
Better act as if, or you will be constantly getting in your own way which will wear you out in the long run.
Or “assume the virtue if you have it not” (William Shakespeare).
“A rose by any other name would smell as sweet” (William Shakespeare)
And so it is with words.
A word by any other name is still a word.
While this applies to each of the “collins.co.uk analytical database with over 4.5 billion words”, it also particularly applies to the ones below.
Able, actual, anecdote, answer, artifact, belief, bible, break, change, chat, comma, communicate, concept, conspire, consult, context, contrast, contranym, convention, converse, conversation, correspond, co-respond, data, dictionary, discussion, encyclopedia, epic, fables, fake, frame, god, gossip, grammar, grammatic, grapheme, graphic, high, history, hyphen, I (capitalized 750 years ago to mark it as a word), information, intelligence, internet, isolation, james bond, jargon, key, knowledge, label, language, legend, letter, lie, life, linguistic, literally, me, meme, meaning, metaphor, morpheme, name, narrative, news, normal, note, objective, ortho, para, parable, paragraph, parser, period, phoneme, phonetic, phonologic, phrase, play, practic, private, public, secondary, sequence, speech, spoken, question, quote, really, reality, report, response, saga, school, sentence, silence, stimulus, sound, statement, story, symbol, synonym, talk, testament, text, theory, theoretic, thesaurus, thing, think, thought, truth, understand, unique, universe, university, uttered, value, verb, verse, vocabulary, wisdom, wise, wordless, work, world, worm, worry, worth, write, yarn, and you, to name a few.
Words are not
To see what words are not, click https://tinyurl.com/ytasu8cf
More about words — what words do and what words have — will be topics of upcoming posts.
In the meantime, if you have any clues, ideas or insights, please let me know.
Thank you in advance!
2 free flip-books of quotes worth reading twice selected for you by SchindlersWord for you to keep