#1: I take care of my body. By my body I mean both parts of my body, the parts above my shoulders and the parts below my shoulders.
Above my shoulders is the 1/8th of my height that contains my vocal cords (my words), my brain, and my four common senses — eyes, ears, tongue, and nose.
Below my shoulders are the other 7/8th of my height, the wordless part that contains my common senses number five (feel) and six (touch).
#2: Every day I respond to what’s going within me and without me. By I respond I mean to everything my six senses are able to sense.
Contrary to common sense
Contrary to our common senses, words are a different story entirely.
Word are understood, that is stood under, while our senses are sensed, that is stood over.
Invented 13,750 years ago (when the age was stone, the Sahara green, and Northern Europe under 1-mile-thick ice), words number meanwhile millions or more, billions if you believe the word-users that pretend to have counted them all. Be it as it may, millions words is a number far too large to remember, let alone to know them all. That is why we just keep repeating the same hundred words over and over again, like a constant replay of a song on our playlist that triggers both good thoughts (positive, constructive, uplifting ) and bad (stress, anxiety, fear, anger) over and over again. Most of the time we ignore which words trigger the good thoughts and which the bad.
This explains the importance of knowing which among the millions of words send positive signals from the brain to your body and which send negative signals instead. Positive words stimulate different areas of your brain that then releases the success hormones dopamine and oxytocin to your body that motivate you to succeed.
Five tried and true ways to succeed?
- Practice words you clearly know the meaning of.
- Monitor your feelings with a difference: Don’t think them, feel them instead!
- Help others because helping others builds trust and generates word-of-mouth reputation.
- Have a vision of ending up somewhere on purpose (as opposed to a rolling stone with no direction home) because vision has you doing the right things before doing things right.
- Know the secret to always be on your journey is knowing you always are.
Together, these five ways to succeed allow you to replace bad words with good words, and therefore also replace successful thoughts with unsuccessful ones.
For example, if someone were to cut in front of you in the checkout line, you might replace the expletives forming on your tongue with words that help the other word-user, making you feel good.
Without further ado begin with the first of the five tried and true ways to succeed.
Work on your words.
It might just give you the extra shot of dopamine and oxytocin to make it another beautiful day to remember.
Alternatively, if you are struggling with negative words, thoughts and attitude, you can book one of my famous 1 on 1 calls. I look forward to getting to know you over a virtual cup of coffee. By the time we get to the end of a cappuccino, we will know how I can help you build a better life. 100% free. No upsells.
You can also sign up for my weekly newsletter, word explosion. Every Tuesday I’ll give you actionable tips to help you build a better life a word at a time.