In the wordless world
As you’d expect, in the wordless world that’s void of schools, sound of silence doesn’t exist because the wordless are also void of words.
In the wordful world
In the wordful world where words are taught at school…
- Wikipedia considers sound a vibration, and silence the absence of audible sound.
- AI considers sound a type of energy, and silence the absence of sound or noise.
The proof is in the pudding
This only goes to show that the authors of Wikipedia and AI don’t know what they’re talking about. It also goes to show that words don’t describe the world, only how the word-users see the world.
Until the trees tell their tale, the story will always glorify the lumberjack that fell them.
Sound OR silence
Sound OR silence, that is the question. Which of the two shall it be?
Let’s go with sound since silence is explained by its absence.
What do you think?
Some word-users de-scribe sound as what travels at different speeds depending on altitude, location, temperature, and humidity.
- In air, in temperatures of about 20°C (68°F), sound travels at approximately 343 meters per second (1,125 feet per second).
- In water, sound travels at about 1,480 meters per second (4,869 feet per second).
- In steel, sound travels at around 5,960 meters per second (19,600 feet per second).
Though certain sounds are non-audible to the word-users ears, we don’t know if non-audible sounds exist in the world of the wordless.
What does water hear? What do trees hear? What do wordless animals hear?
It’s a mystery.
What’s beyond mysterious is that in the wordless and wordful worlds alike, sound travels at different speeds depending on altitude, location, temperature, and humidity.
Because sound and silence are words, they can be denied only by using them. That means that silence and sound exist beyond the shadow of a doubt. But the fabulous song about The Sound of Silence is myth.
Paul Simon didn’t know what he was writing and singing about.
But he nevertheless made word-users all over the world believe that the sound of silence exists.
In this way, the authors of Wikipedia, AI, and Paul Simon are identical.
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