16,000 words is what the average word-user uses per day, AI is telling me. But at the same time, internet is telling me that the number of English words is over 1,000,000. Should my math be as good as my word, the words used by the average word-user are a mere 1.6% of the total available, and the 500 I use a mere 0.1%.
I have a hard time believing that I count among the average word-users.
How about you?
Do you think that you’re using an average 16,000 words every day?
Be it as it may, some word-users I know think that they know every one of the 16,000 words, which I don’t believe because I don’t think that anyone can manage 16,000 words, let alone know them, day in day out.
And I’m not even talking about the million English words we reportedly possess in total.
I know. and therefore use only about 500 words daily, though I’m the first to admit they’re pretty much the same every day. I also know beyond the shadow of a doubt that words are the new real.
New real versus old real means when we see a cow painted, every child knows it’s a painting, not the cow. But when we hear cow, every adult doesn’t know it’s a word, not the cow. Practically speaking, most word-users now mistake words for reality, obviously ignoring that everything we have a word for is a word, and that everything we know is a word, too, reality included.
To illustrate, Picasso is said to have received at his studio a visitor that mistook his paintings for abstract. So Picasso asked if his visitor had a photo of his family, which the visitor proudly handed for Pablo to see, to which Picasso responded: “My, are they really that small?”
In other words, as paintings need painters to de-pict what they see, so words need scribes to de-scribe what they think.
The difference between pictures and words is that pictures are understood and words aren’t.
Over a million words, with new ones getting added as we speak, means we have a word for everything, including for nothing. Call it a dream, it doesn’t change anything. Fact is words are the new real because the average word-user mistakes words for reality. They don’t realize word and reality are different words for a reason. And who mistakes word for real will continue to suffer for as long as they have an emotional reaction to everything that is said to them.
If words control word-users means everyone else can control them. They don’t know that their power is sitting back and observing everything with logic.
Logically speaking, to say of two words that they are identical is nonsense, and to say of one word that it is identical with itself is to say nothing.
Words are the new real because they sit on our nose, as it were, as glasses, and what we look at, we see through them. It doesn’t even occur to us to take them off.
At the risk of repeating myself, call words a dream — it doesn’t change anything.
I’d love to know how you tell reality from words?
Tell me in the comments below. Thanks!
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