Sometimes the opposition I hear to feelings is “Thinking beats feelings.”
Other times it’s “What’s the difference between feeling and emotion?”
In other words, opposition to feelings depends on what I’m listening or talking to.
Feeling and emotion are different, and to say of two that they are identical is nonsense, and to say of one that it is identical with itself is to say nothing.
Feelings I understand because I feel as we speak. Emotions I don’t understand because I don’t speak Latin, albeit I’m much impressed by how many do.
I don’t think thinking beats feelings because I not only feel but I also think as we speak.
By the end of the day, when everything is done and over with, it’s your feelings on top of the totem pole. It’s what you feel that determines what you go after and what you avoid, the results you achieve, and what you feel about the results, and the circle begins anew. It’s a circle game of rinse and repeat in which your thinking plays second fiddle at best, but your feelings conduct the orchestra.
The biggest difference between feel and think is think requires words — everyone of our thoughts begins and ends with a word, while feelings are felt. Owning your thinking gives you nothing since everybody has a brain, but owning your feeling gives you ownership over your destiny for no other word or word-user can feel your feelings for you.
To understand and change, forget the word of what you’re looking at. Feel it instead.
To change, change how you look at words. Then you change, the world changes. and everything in it changes, too.
Don’t think.
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#FeelNotThink #innovation #inspiration