You’re the proud owner of 301 abilities.
Can you believe it? Do you believe you can re-member them all?
If so, you’re likely to believe anything.
301 abilities…
- Some you may have heard about or know.
- Some you don’t know.
- Some you don’t recognise.
- Some you see here for the first time.
Among your abilities that you may have heard about or know:
Shareable, the ability to share.
Among your abilities you cannot know:
Possible, the ibility to poss.
Nothing is impossible!
Among your abilities you cannot recognise:
The 45 abilities now spelled ibility.
Unless you recognise ibility, of course.
The abilities you see here for the first time:
Actable (your ability to act), be-able (your ability to be), believe-able (your ability to believe), blame-able (your ability to blame), consider-able (your ability to consider), create-able (your ability to create), critic-able (your ability to critic), decide-able (your ability to decide), desire-able (your ability to desire), distract-able (our ability to distract), dream-able (your ability to dream), fear-able (your ability to fear), feel-able (your ability to feel), formid-able (your ability to form), free-able (your ability to free), habit-able (your ability to habit), learn-able (your ability to learn), lie-able (your ability to lie), love-able (your ability to love), memor-able (your ability to memorize), need-able (your ability to need), response-able (your ability to respond), see-able (your ability to see), sense-able (your ability to sense), smell-able (your ability to smell), stable (your ability to stab), sure-able (your ability to sure), taste-able (your ability to taste), think-able (your ability to think), touch-able (your ability to touch), trust-able (your ability to trust), truth-able (your ability to truth), vision-able (your ability to envision), want-able (your ability to want), word-able (your ability to word), and work-able (your ability to work).
Most of the above you must not learn. They are a gift you’re meant to keep and open.
For 3 of them, there is no alternative. For your ability to be (you cannot not be), for your ability to decide (you cannot not decide), and for your ability to respond (you cannot not respond).
Ability without action
Ability without action is nothing.
Only one (1) ability matters
The only ability that matters is your ability to respond.
Response-ability is on top of every word-user’s totem pole. The other 300 abilities do nothing but support our response-ability. If they didn’t, we’d all be dead.
Do not and cannot
There is no difference between do not and cannot.
No matter whether you do not or you cannot stop this ball from going in, you won’t be a goalkeeper for long.
In self-talk or aloud, never say “I cannot”. Because you can. It’s never a question of the 301 abilities. It’s always a question of a decision that no other word or word-user can make for you.
“Can you marry me?”
Yes, you can. “I can’t” simply means it’s not a priority, doesn’t it?
“Will you marry me?”
See the difference?
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#AbilityAwareness #inspiration #personaldevelopmen #word