Hey, it’s Beat (pronounced b@)
Every week I sit down to write my best newsletter. Maybe today I did?
Before we begin with newsletter #2, in case you missed it, I decided to create something engaging and informative for my readers. So I decided to focus on the following three topics…
…that will from now on continue to feature in the weekly word explosions regularly.
YOU and WORDS because you are the only one to ever have a relationship with words.
ELECTRIC QUOTES because they changed me and have the potential to change you, too. If not, feel free ti ignore them.
These 3 topics provide the foundation to encourage ongoing exploration and discussion.
I see this newsletter as another avenue to contribute to make change happen. The world needs to replace the old model to look at and see words with the new model I propose, to spark interest, and to keep my subscribers informed. I’m excited to connect and share with you insights through this new venture!
Without further ado, I say let’s get going with #2
1. You ARE
In Newsletter #1, we’ve looked at and seen you is a word.
What does you describe?
It describes 3 different aspects of you — what you are, what you do, and what you have.
Let’s start…
…with what you ARE.
You are like your ancestor, on a journey. Specifically, you are on the journey from where you began to where you’ll end, that is on the journey from birth to death.
It’s not just you of course…
…we’re all in this together.
What a word (singular) is & what words (plural) are is the same thing. It doesn’t make a difference.
A word or words couldn’t be anything else if it tried. To believe words try presupposes they have the organs required. But words don’t have any (organs).
The only one with the organs is you, the word-user.
Yup, we’re all in this together.
Though words are a prison, even even a prison can be a home when you have the key.
Should you be looking for the simple method to change, then I suggest you simply change how you look at words.
“You can safely assume you’ve created god in your own image when it turns out that god hates all the same people you do.” – Anne Lamott
The Purpose of Time is to Prevent Everything from Happening at Once
X.J. Kennedy
Suppose your life a folded telescope
Durationless, collapsed in just a flash
As from your mother’s womb you, bawling, drop
Into a nursing home. Suppose you crash
Your car, your marriage – toddler laying waste
A field of daisies, schoolkid, zit-faced teen
With lover zipping up your pants in haste
Hearing your parents’ tread downstairs – all one.
Einstein was right. That would be too intense.
You need a chance to preen, to give a dull
Recital before an indifferent audience
Equally slow in jeering you and clapping.
Time takes its time unraveling. But, still,
You’ll wonder when your life ends: Huh? What happened?