February 5, 2025
The story of words
Even though Even though in the beginning is the word. Even though everything we know is a word. Even though before the word nothing existed. Even though everything begins with the word. The story of words isn’t told when stories are told to a word-user’s child. The story of words isn’t told when stories are told at kindergarten. The story of words isn’t told when stories are told at school. The story of words isn’t
February 4, 2025
The ultimate productivity hack: Focus on what matters
The key to productivity? Ignoring almost everything. Instead of spreading yourself thin, do less to achieve more. Unproductive vs productive word-users Unproductive word-users Chase every opportunity like a distracted squirrel. Jump at every notification like it’s an emergency. Try to be everywhere online but make no real impact. Jump onto every new shiny object like fleas jumping onto every new passing dog. Productive people Have a vision of where to arrive on purpose when all
February 3, 2025
Two types of animals
The Carnival of the Animals is a musical about animals that talk and sing — lions, hens, roosters donkeys, tortoises, elephants, kangaroos, fish, cuckoos, swans and other kinds of birds — composed by Camille Saint-Saëns 139 years ago. The Carnival of the Animals is not alone. It is similar to Animal Farm, written by George Orwell, which features talking pigs, boars, horses, a donkey, sheep, dogs, chickens, cows, ravens, and cats. The two together are
January 31, 2025
Reunite with the intelligence within
If your smartphone told you you can reunite with an intelligence infinitely greater than yours, how would you react? Chill. Relax. It shan’t happen. Smartphones don’t know of any kind of intelligence not already embedded within. That’s not what smartphones are about, not what they’re programmed for. What if I told you there’s an intelligence infinitely greater than yours you can reunite with? How would you react? I don’t believe it. Fake news. Lemme think
January 30, 2025
This is not a funnel
This is not a funnel Picasso received at his studio a visitor that believed the latter’s paintings were abstract. So Picasso asked his visitor in turn if he had a photo of his family to show him. When Picasso saw the photo he asked “Are they really that small?” Similarly, Allen Jones, the sculptor, explained “when you look at my sculptures of women, there is no doubt it’s a sculpture, it’s not a woman.” On
January 29, 2025
Language vs tonguage
When we say tongue When we talk of tongue, we talk of mother tongue (langue maternelle in French and Muttersprache in German, to name two tongues other than English). Although fathers also come equipped with tongues, I’ve never heard of a father tongue. Have you? Mother tongue is okay but mother langue doesn’t exist. That’s because langue is French for tongue and 475 years ago, when modern English was invented, langue didn’t get translated from
January 28, 2025
If we don’t know words
If we don’t know words We don’t know what we are, what we do, and what we have. We don’t know there’s a difference between the three. We don’t know what our ancestors, parents, sisters, and brothers are, do, and have. We don’t know what words do to us. Therefore we cannot have any empathy for what words do to our children regardless of gender. We don’t see words for what they are. Therefore we
January 27, 2025
Stored words
The telling of stored words, also known as stories told by storytellers, lead to a payoff that never changes which is for the story to be believed. For many unbelievable stories, to be believed is easily done because most word-users don’t care whether a story genuinely happened or not. The only thing that matters to them is the story is true. Take, for example, the stories of Santa Claus, James Bond, or gods of different