February 15, 2025
THE LIFE OF YOUR DREAMS What you pursue and what you avoid determines the life of your dreams or a life of problems, distractions, struggle, and chaos.Arrive somewhere on purpose, or arrive like a rolling stone, with no direction home.If given a chance, which of the two would you rather pursue? THE DIFFERENCE The difference between the two lives is not what you think.The difference between the two is what you feel. Contrary to popular
February 14, 2025
In the beginning is…
As I’m making my rounds, I hear different beliefs of how it all began, including the belief in the beginning is the thought. I think this is in large part due to the lies and fake news told by schools, internet, social media, and AI. LIES AND FAKE NEWS Lies and fake news told include… By internet: “You should ask in the beginning when interested in the beginning of life and time as we know
February 13, 2025
1 habit that’s transformed my life (no kidding, just 1)
Alright folks, gather ’round because I’ve got a little secret to share. There’s one (yes, just one!) habit that has taken my afternoon routine from “I need a nap” to “Let’s conquer the world!” THE 20-MINUTE STROLL AFTER LUNCH Here’s the scoop: A night owl for longer than I remember, I have a habit of keep on writing away until the crack of dawn, sleep well, wake up full of energy, eat lunch like a
February 11, 2025
Do you use your langue or your tongue when you talk?
It rather depends on your mother and your mother tongue, I think. When your mother tongue is French, je pense you use your langue. When your mother tongue is English, I think you use your tongue. To summarise, I think word-users of different mother tongues use different words to describe the same thing. Get lost in translations Words are getting lost in translation. There’s nothing new about it. It’s been going on since the beginning
February 10, 2025
The secret to my success
#1: I take care of my body. By my body I mean both parts of my body, the parts above my shoulders and the parts below my shoulders. Above my shoulders is the 1/8th of my height that contains my vocal cords (my words), my brain, and my four common senses — eyes, ears, tongue, and nose. Below my shoulders are the other 7/8th of my height, the wordless part that contains my common senses
February 7, 2025
Clear thoughts
When we are unsure about what’s going on within or without, an irresistible urge for clarity comes knocking at the door. When that happens, some word-users seek solace in instant gratification such as pleasant sleep, pills, religion, playing cards, spectator sports, or other popular pastimes. Others seek solace in connecting with the wordless, also known as nature, watching a river flow, walking the dog, yoga, or fishing, to name a few. Long story short It
February 6, 2025
The Study-to-Action Ratio
You can never learn less I learned about the Study-to-Action Ratio, SRA in short, about a dozen years ago, thanks to Jason Fladlien. Twelfe years ago, my SRA was 10:1 at best, meaning it was probably even worse than that. So, discovering the SRA blew my socks off, rocked the journey I was on at the time, and I’ve been grateful to Jason ever since. The Study-to-Action Ratio The SRA expresses the time spent on
February 5, 2025
The story of words
Even though Even though in the beginning is the word. Even though everything we know is a word. Even though before the word nothing existed. Even though everything begins with the word. The story of words isn’t told when stories are told to a word-user’s child. The story of words isn’t told when stories are told at kindergarten. The story of words isn’t told when stories are told at school. The story of words isn’t