August 16, 2023
If your words don’t have rules, you’re doing it wrong
In the wordless world In the wordless world, everything you have a word for doesn’t exist for self-evident reasons, including word for equally self-evident reasons. In the wordy world In the wordy world, everybody knows that everything is different because everything we know is what we have words for. But that’s not all. What everybody doesn’t know is that words have rules the grammarians don’t have a clue about. With grammar taught at schools throughout
August 11, 2023
What makes a good picture?
In the wordless world In the wordless world, nothing exists that word-users have a word for. For self-evident reasons that includes good and picture. In the wordy world In the wordy world: Picture is a word Everything you have a word for is a word A word, any word, couldn’t be anything else if it tried Picture is mistaken to speak 1,000 words This might make sense at first sight — especially the part about
August 9, 2023
My story
It’s possible that you don’t know me…yet. In fact, it’s more than likely. Maybe like many LinkedIn users before, you’ve viewed my profile but would like to know more about me just the same. Therefore, if so inclined, let me share with you my story in two parts. Part 1: Before me/Before 2016/Before words Part 2: After me/After 2016/After words Before me/Before 2016/Before words Before me, I used to do when and how I was told, grew up, traveled the world, worked
August 3, 2023
This 13,750-year-old sales trick still works today
A 13,750-year-old sales trick continues to work as we speak, so you might of course want to know what it is and what we’re talking about. Well, first things first, a trick is intended to deceive. As you’d expect from a trick that has deceived without fail for the past 13,750 years — which is when the words got invented — is that it must have deceived as many word-users back when the age was
Step 1 As you’d expect, your lesson begins with the first step. Step number one is knowing that the word-masters have known in the beginning is the word since the beginning. You don’t need to be a word-master to know what that means. But you must know how it all began. It all began with the invention of words, hence the saying “In the beginning is the word”. Unless you’ve lived in a cave on
July 24, 2023
Do you want a fresh perspective but don’t know how?
Why is it hard to gain a fresh perspective? I think it has got to do — are you ready for this? — with professional golf teachers. I’m told the hardest part for a professional golf teacher isn’t helping adult golfers develop a picture-book swing. The hardest part is getting adult golfers to stop using a bad one. The same is true for professional word teachers. The hardest part isn’t helping adult word-users gain a
Word-users ask strange questions The strange question I often get asked is “Why is the word not what my smart phone says?” In a world of complicated — an English-pronounced Latin word — simple is like one hand clapping, hard to be heard, or if you prefer, like a bird without feathers, hard to take to the sky. Word and words are good cases in point. Simple is a word that couldn’t be anything else
If the above could talk, what would they tell us? We’ll never know because they won’t. That’s the 1 (one) way I increased my knowledge by 1000%. Let me share with you how it came about, so you can do it too. Words Words do not describe the world. They describe how we see it. To know what I’m talking about. For just a minute: Imagine traveling by train at your own chosen speed. The