In less than 3 weeks, I’ll host my first Limitless Opportunities seminar Who’d have thought so seven years ago? Because it’s been seven years since I decided to dedicate my work to words. During that time almost no one has been interested, and to tell you all, I was able to count the number of interested word-users on the fingers of just one of my two hands. Yet I slave away until I fall simply because I recognise
September 13, 2023
How to get better at opportunities? Try LIMITLESS (opportunities)
In less than 3 weeks, I’ll be hosting my “LIMITLESS OPPORTUNITIES” live seminar, as opposed to an online webinar, answering questions and connecting people to get serious in discussing the new way of looking at words. After the seminar, the participants will have replaced the old way of how word-users looked at words. In other words, the old way of looking at words will be a thing of the past that the participants will be
You are looking to live without the limits imposed on you by others. There’s just one obstacle in the way. You don’t know how. Therefore, your first instinct might be to enter “live without limits” on your smartphone. If you’re lucky or unlucky — a question of perspective, to each their own — to stumble upon the Google search engine to find the results you’re looking for, Google will tell you there are about 1,530,000,000
September 1, 2023
Little-known steps to get words to work for you forever and a day
I never thought this would happen to me. When it did, happen that is, as you’d expect, I was taken aback. I was merrily jogging through the trees of my favorite forest when two young spandex speedsters blew by me on their $300 shoes. For a moment, I was disheartened. What’s the point–they’re fast like the wind? I’m not. Then I realized that it’s not a race. It’s a journey from beginning to end, and
August 30, 2023
From learning words to habits is faster than you think
Words become habits faster than you think Habits rule the conditioned mind. Hold it! Relax. Before you jump to conclusions you only risk to regret later, don’t think that your mind has a choice — it is conditioned whether it likes it or not. The freedom you have, the only freedom you have, is to decide who does the conditioning. It’s either other word-users with their companies’ interests in mind, each their own… …or it’s
August 30, 2023
Do you believe that media would exist without words?
In the wordless world Everything you have a word for doesn’t exist in the wordless world for self-evident reasons, including of course media. In the wordy world In the wordy world of word-users, word is the medium without which there wouldn’t be any (media). For completeness’ sake, let me add that it’s not just about media. There’d be no word-users either. Breathe and allow things to pass You will continue to suffer if you have
I was happily pedaling on my bicycle when a T-shirted speedster blew by me on her battery-powered roller. For a moment, I was dis-appointed. She’s speedy, I’m not. She’s young, I’m not. What’s the point? Then I realized, A) that I had failed that morning to appoint myself, B) that it’s not a race, and C) that I don’t own a plan B. It’s not a race. On the contrary, it’s a journey from the
August 16, 2023
To make you MASSIVELY stand out from the crowd, do the opposite of what most people do.
Have you seen Oppenheimer, the movie? It’s possible you’ve read the book. Who knows, maybe you did both. To make your view of the world MASSIVELY stand out from the crowd, is easy to do. Do the opposite of what the crowd does. The majority of word-users read the book or watch the movie thinking Oppenheimer is about the atomic bomb. To MASSIVELY stand out from the crowd, dig just a little bit deeper. When