What is FRESH PERSPECTIVE and why isn’t everybody talking about it? Well, I haven’t lately told my readers about FRESH PERSPECTIVE, partly because I’ve been out for a large part of 2022 (for health reasons) and also because in the time since then, I’ve been busy doing research and publishing THE ORIGIN OF HUMANITY, the new book now available in paperback and ebook from Books on Demand and Amazon. THE ORIGIN OF HUMANITY answers the
Wisdom I wish I’d known earlier When a year ago I fainted, not for the first time, I ignored that open heart surgery can be both a blessing and curse at the same time. Sure, there is nothing new about it. I had fainted twice before, back in my teenage years, when I banged my helmetless head against an ice rink and pool floor, but a year ago was my third faint and this time
June 28, 2022
Are you trying to understand words and wanna cry?
Understand words is not a walk in the park. I should know for I stumbled upon words back in 2016. 7 years and 10,000 hours of writing about words later, I’m still only just getting started. If you’re anything like me, you must not only discover but then also accept that there is a difference between Before Words and After Words. Before Words vs After Words Next, you work hard to understand the difference between
No matter how hard you try? The random things we do daily often happen without intent. By the time you realize that they’ve become habits, they have already become part of what you identify with and, therefore, of your decisions to invest your time and energy. If that is so, that would be a BIG mistake…that is easy to stop. All it takes is to add intent to these daily random habits. The instant you
The most often overlooked part of humanity is that it’s a word. Many word-users believe humanity is what it describes, is how it usually works. That is a BIG mistake. This post is an attempt to explain why that is. Who am I to talk in turn? I’m the author of THE ORIGIN OF HUMANITY, subtitled WHAT CAN BE DENIED ONLY BY CONFIRMING IT. The book is based on the fact that humanity is a