October 26, 2023
Hold on fast. I’m about to dish out the exciting details about the first and cleverest sign in the Chinese zodiac, the rat!
My Chinese zodiac sign is the rat which is the first and cleverest sign of the Chinese zodiac twelve-year cycle. I find the rat — an animal — describes me well. It is an accurate personality test and my character is, indeed, a classic zodiac type rat. One of the rat’s chief traits is an exaggerated duty of care for the world within and without. For most word-users born in the year of the rat,
October 26, 2023
The beauty of simplicity: Understanding the past through the lens of stimulus response
The vast expanse of Earth’s past can be written in a simple little formula. Stimulus, Response. Creation, Evolution, Invention The events that have transformed our planet can be described as creations, evolutions, or inventions. Who says de-scribe says it takes a scribe to de-scribe anything, and the only specie on Earth that uses words to de-scribe creations, evolutions, or inventions are we, the word-users. Everybody knows that words don’t de-scribe the world, but that words
October 26, 2023
Decision-making: A guide for those who can’t decide whether they want to read this article or not
While there is no one-size-fits-all approach to decision-making, if you ask the internet, ChatGPT, or other forms of AI, they will want you to believe that decision-making is a complicated, complex, multifaceted process. I’m not saying decisions are easy. All I’m saying is it doesn’t have to be this hard. Good and bad Between a bad and a good decision is no difference. They both feel equally right at the right time. With hindsight we
October 26, 2023
How to overcome doubt in what you are
Many word-users are still in doubt about what they are. The perfect storm It seems the perfect storm is upon us. “Nothing endures but change. Change alone is unchanging.” – Heraclitus Sure, but right now things are changing faster than ever before and artificial intelligence is just another spike in the wheel of change that’s turning at incredible speed as we speak. Perfectly unprepared in their abilities to respond, an ever-increasing number of word-users don’t
October 26, 2023
Are you missing this work-life balance essential ingredient?
All stories — be it the story of how it all began, the story of you, or the story of anything else — have one thing in common. They are best understood by the simple formula of “Stimulus, Response”. “Stimulus=Response” is never-ending. That’s because the universe is energy which responds to itself. You and your work-life balance are no exception. You respond Like everything else you have a word for, information is stimulus to which
October 26, 2023
What happens just before a beginning?
In the beginning is the word I don’t remember exactly the first time I’ve heard it said that in the beginning is the word. I was young, Everybody older than me knew about it but didn’t seem to care. When I asked “What does it mean?” the word-users around me yadda-yadded as usual but offered no answer Many beginnings have gone under the bridge of tradition since, but it’s still only the young ones that
Not sure what you’re made of? Well, different things are said about you depending on what is saying them. Your smart phone says “You the second-person pronoun.” – Wikipedia“You can refer to one or more people and is used as the subject of a verb or the object of a verb or preposition.” – Collins Dictionary“You the one or ones being addressed.” – The Merriam-Webster Dictionary“You the person or people being spoken or written to.” – The Oxford Learner’s Dictionary“You the dative and accusative
October 26, 2023
When you believe you’re in control, what happens next?
Hello word-user, I know that for us it’s tempting to believe that we are in control. And to assume that with 20 years or more of school under our belts, we are not easy to fool. Not by a priest, a politician, or a prankster anyway. Other word-users might get bamboozled by a cheater or a con artist, but not us. The contrary is true. No one fools you more than the words you use.