Masaru Emoto — born 82 year ago, died 11 years ago — is the author of…
“The Hidden Messages in Water” which just on Amazon USA alone is a book with 3,302 reviews a and 4.8-star rating which transforms our view of the world by showing how our thoughts, words, and feelings are influenced by water — how the water’s molecules impact the world around us and our personal health.
For his research, Masaru Emoto used the magnetic resonance analyzer, a device able to detect the magnetic field around a human hair, thanks to which he discovered that water responds to positive and negative words, pictures, and music by forming crystals that look different indeed. He saw that the energy of feelings — which is frequently mistaken for vibrations — changes the physical structure of water.
His water crystal experiments consisted of exposing water in glasses to various words, pictures, or music, then freezing it, and then examining the ice crystals’ aesthetics with microscopic photography.
By doing this repeatedly, he found that water exposed to positive words, pictures, or music created visually pleasing ice crystals, while the same water exposed to energy from negative words, pictures, or music yielded ugly ice formations.
In frozen water from a mountain stream, he discovered structures of beautifully shaped geometric designs, and in frozen water from polluted sources, he discovered distorted and irregular ice structures.
- Has the perfect memory and always finds back to itself.
- Is soft, fluid, and adaptable.
- Yet over time overcomes rigid and hard obstacles.
- Is generous, giving, and serving.
- The building block of life.
Where is water, there is life, while no water means no life.
Water vs intelligence
This explains is why on other planets we hope to find everything except intelligence.
It explains why on other planets we’re looking for water instead.
We’re hoping to find water rather than intelligence because a drop of water’s intelligence is infinitely greater than that of the 9 billion word-users on Earth combined.
Where there’s water, there’s intelligence. The other way ’round doesn’t work.
Good news
The good news, we’re 70% water.
If that’s not good, what is?
To make the good news work for you, too, all you must do is remember the intelligence of the 70% water within you.
70% of your body weight is water.
And distrust the bs you’re told at school.
… another paradox: What is soft is strong (Lao Tzu)
I like that.
Ditto here 🙂