According to Wikipedia, Hasan Ibn Al-Haytham (born 1059 years ago / died 1000 years ago), “is sometimes described as the world’s first true scientist.”
Whether that’s true I guess is for the scientists after Hasan to decide.
In the context of what I’m the author of, the story of words, it means science has recently celebrated its 1,000th anniversary.
It also means the past has progressively been the domain of the science for the most recent 1,000 years only.
Before that — for the 12,750 years since the first word — the past was in the iron grip of the religionists.
Much water has gone under the bridge since, but not much has changed. The religionists continue to rule the majority of the world’s 9 billion word-users. On the assumption lies can be measured, they — the religionists — are the world’s biggest liars, second to none, without the shadow of a doubt.
Their biggest lie, of course, is about how it all began.
In the only book they claim to read, they’ve written by their own hand, “In the beginning is the word.”
Despite this, they preach in the beginning is a fictional character called God.
At the same time, they don’t preach where God was before words.
Because that would be the truth.
That said, the scientists aren’t far behind in lies-telling, a close second, so to speak.
Their biggest lie is it all began with a bang of some size.
At the same time, they don’t teach where the bang was before words.
Because that, too, would be the truth.
In the beginning is the word beyond the shadow of a doubt.
If not, neither you nor me would have begun and we wouldn’t be talking about the beginning now, as we speak.
#creativity #futurism #ScienceAndWords #word