While artists appear to possess a 7th sense for what’s going on, you don’t need to be an artist for what’s going on in the world to make you sad.
7th sense or not, I was surprised, and still am, to have discovered through my research into the story of words, that the arts predate the invention of words by tens of thousands and hundreds of millions of years.
Previous to my research into the story of words and how it all began, I believed the arts were new.
That said, let me not be misunderstood.
By art I mean the classical arts of architecture, dance, music, painting, and sculpture.
By new I mean after the invention of words and how it all began. If you follow me on LinkedIn, you know that words began when the age was stone, the Sahara green, and Northern Europe under 1-mile-thick ice, 13,750 years ago.
Voices, drums, percussions, and other means of making music may date back to when animals were invented, 600 million years BW (Before Words). Other than that, the oldest musical instruments discovered so far by word-users — flutes made from bird bone and mammoth ivory — date from 30,000 years BW.
Termites — the architects of complex mounds several feet tall — exist since 100 million years BW. Their mounds are among the earliest architected buildings discovered so far.
Paradise birds — known for their elaborate courtship dances, with males performing to attract females — exist since 45 million BW.
The earliest cave paintings discovered so far — in Indonesian caves, of hands, pigs, and deer — date from 30,000 years BW.
The earliest sculptured figurines — made from clay and other materials, then fired in kilns partially dug into the ground — date from 10,000 years BW.
What is BW (Before Words) art?
BW art includes the wordless arts of music, architecture, dance, painting, and sculpture, also known as the classical arts.
What is AW (After Words) art?
AW art is every art invented After Words, including anything made of letters (letterature, also known as literature), songs, photography, movies, and videos, to name a few.
- “Great music doesn’t take words, but great songs do.” – Polo Hofer
- “I can assure you that once you get rid of the notion of art, you acquire a great many wonderful new freedoms.” – Jean Tinguely
- “I don’t know why people expect art to make sense. They accept the fact that life doesn’t make sense.” – David Lynch
ARTificial intelligence
ARTificial intelligence is word-users pretending to understand what it is.
- “Some people worry that ARTificial intelligence will make us feel inferior, but then anybody in his right mind should have an inferiority complex every time he looks at a flower.” – Alan Kay
- “Stupidity beats ARTificial intelligence every time.” – Terry Pratchett
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