What is know?
Know, like everything you have a word for and everything you know, is a word.
In other words, know is no exception.
You cannot trust words, you can only trust what you know of a word, to which again, know is no exception.
Do you know what
- Words are?
- Words do?
- Words have?
If not, don’t miss out on THE WORD course I’m looking forward to announcing later this year.
There are two types of know:
- WHAT you know
- HOW you know
If you’re the pilot, you don’t need to know WHAT it takes for an airplane to fly, but you better know HOW to fly it. If you’re a smartphone user, there’s no need for you to know WHAT it takes for a phone to be smart, but to use it, you better know HOW. If you’re an electrician, you don’t need to know WHAT it takes for electricity to exist — no one even knows what electricity is — but to use it, please know HOW
And the list goes on. You get the drift.
Manufacturers better know WHAT while users better know HOW. Of course, being both the product’s maker and user won’t hurt, but WHAT and HOW work best to each their own.
When you do not know WHAT it takes for words to exist, you do not know HOW to use them. That means you use them blindfolded. Would you want your pilot blindfolded?
Farmers know not only WHAT it takes to grow food, but also HOW to use it, or they and their families would be dead. Of course, farmers are not the only ones whose survival depends on knowing WHAT and HOW at the same time.
The secret to knowing isn’t knowing WHAT works, but knowing HOW it works.
Gravity is a good example.
Words are no exception.
- “The only source of knowledge is experience.” – Albert Einstein
- “Knowledge gained through experience is far superior and many times more useful than bookish value.” – Mahatma Gandhi
PS. Click for your (free) copy of KNOW QUOTES WORTH READING TWICE
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