Since everything you know is a word means that no-one is more hopelessly enslaved to words than those who falsely believe they are free of words. In effect, they remain their servant.
If you’re a servant to words, you will continue to feel everything that is said to you, and words are your master, rather than the other way ‘round. Unfortunately, that means everyone and everything with words controls you.
That’s not where you want to be to the end of time.
To change in no time, your power is sitting back and see what’s going on with logic.
For as long as you believe that words control you, you believe they have the organs required. But unlike you, words don’t have any, organ that is. Beyond the shadow of a doubt, the ones with the organs are you, me, and approximately 9 billion like us — the word-users.
You have what it takes to leave serving the words in the dust. “You have brains in your head and feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself any direction. You’re on your own. You know what you know. You’re the one who’ll decide where you’ll go” (Theodor ‘Dr. Seuss’ Geisel).
You can be a word-master in no time. All it takes is seeing what’s going on with logic.
I can’t do it for you but I can help.
Book a FREE call or email beat@schindlersword.com
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