If you think what you see is true, it’s time to think again. If not now, then when?
Together with feel, hear, smell, touch, and taste, see is part of the senses known as common, because we have them in common with the wordless animals (though many of the wordless animals have additional senses, too).
Seeing is among the complex senses because of the number of factors involved.
- Nobody knows the difference between watch, see, and look. How can you watch and look and not see?
- You’re looking words as we speak, yet you don’t see them for what they are.
- When is the last time you thought of you as a word?
- Our unique ways of seeing shape our understanding of words.
- Seeing happens with the two eyes you can open and close, and with the third eye that stays open day and night, even in your sleep.
- Dream, daydream, imagine, and optical illusions, to name a few.
- You will never outgrow your self-image.
- Everything you see is your perspective or opinion that sometimes is true and sometimes isn’t.
- Everybody has their own truth, that is perhaps 9 billion truths in all, the number of word-users in the world.
- Word-users that are unable to hear the music usually mistake those dancing for insane.
- If you don’t understand what you see, go up to the control room to find it’s empty, that you’re the projectionist, and that you should have been up there from the start.
- Art is not what you see but what artists make you see.
- Don’t think: See.
“After an hour or so in the woods looking for mushrooms, Dad said, ‘Well, we can always go and buy some real ones.’” – John Cage
“I saw a sign that said ‘Watch for children’ and I thought, ‘That sounds like a fair trade. I could use a new watch.’” – Steven Wright
“All my life I’ve looked at words as though I were seeing them for the first time.” – Ernest Hemingway
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#SeeingIsBelieving #creativity #selfimprovement #word