Reunite with the intelligence within
If your smartphone told you you can reunite with an intelligence infinitely greater than yours, how would you react?
Chill. Relax.
It shan’t happen. Smartphones don’t know of any kind of intelligence not already embedded within. That’s not what smartphones are about, not what they’re programmed for.
What if I told you there’s an intelligence infinitely greater than yours you can reunite with? How would you react?
I don’t believe it. Fake news. Lemme think ‘bout it. Let’s do it!
It takes time, don’t expect your existence to change overnight. Anything worth having gets done through hours, days, weeks, months, and years of joyful struggle. There’s no universal formula for success. What works for one person may not work for another. But reuniting with your intelligence within isn’t hard to do. All it takes is re-member what you were before you were born, what you were before your first day at school, and what you are now.
With one difference.
Don’t think it.
Feel it!
“Where is fancy bred, in the heart or in the head?” (Shakespeare)
You are 100% energy, 70% water, 30% fire-air-earth, and 100% cells. Don’t worry if the math doesn’t add up. It will in the end and on that, my friend, I give you my word. It’s not just about you of course. We are all in this energy (100%), water (70%), fire-air-earth (30%), cells (100%) business together.
Some of us just feel it better than others.
The elements
The intelligence of the five elements — energy, fire, air, earth, water— and of the cells is infinitely greater than the intelligence of the 9 billion word-users on Earth combined.
The five elements have been around since the big bang 13.8 billion years ago. In the course of those 13.8 billion years, the five togrther invented the Earth (4.65 billion years ago), the cells (3.5 billion years ago), the plants (700,000 years ago), the animals (600,000 years ago), the eyes (542,000 years ago), the brains (500,000 years ago), the words, and us the word-users (13,750 years ago) .
Energy responds to itself. The fire, air, earth, and water have communicated between each other wordlessly for 13.8 billion years, and they communicate with each other wordlessly now. Water has the perfect memory, always finds back to itself, and responds to what’s going on before you can think it. A single cell invented you from scratch. Word-users had to wait for the invention of words 13,750 years ago to communicate with each other wordfully since then.
Infinite intelligence
Do you think intelligence infinitely greater than ours was necessary to invent the energy, fire, air, earth, water, sun, planets, stars, moons, universe, earth, cells, plants, animals, eyes, brains, words, and you?
Or do you believe you dould you have done it? Do you think the energy, fire, air, earth, and water have done a shoddy job? How does your IQ compare to that of the energy, fire, air, earth, and water, do you think?
The good news
You are 100% energy, 70% water, 30% fire-air-earth, and 100% cells.
To reunite with the intelligence within isn’t hard to do. All it takes is for you to re-member.
No-one else and no other word can re-member it for you.
Don’t just think it.
Feel it!
And you’ll feel and you’ll see the benefits before long.