If your words don’t improve, you’re doing it wrong.
Words are how you aim at what you’re looking for.
If you’re looking for other reasons for knowing where you are, you’re looking in the wrong place.
“Words are all we have” Samuel Beckett said in 1969, in his Nobel Prize for Literature acceptance speech .
By that, he didn’t mean that words are all we have. On the contrary, being animals with words, we have what the other 8.7 million wordless animals also have.
What Samuel Beckett is saying is that we’re the only animal with words.
None of the other 8.7 million animal species on Earth have them.
And more than just about the 8.7 million wordless animals, it’s equally about the rest of the planet — the energy, fire, air, earth, water, cells, elements, mountains, rocks, and the 390,000 species of plants including the roses, mushrooms, and trees — that we collectively refer to as nature, as if we were separate from it, a blatant lie if there ever was one.
That we’re animals with words ain’t easy to accept. I should know for it took me years of search, research, and re-research to accept it myself.
Words sit on our nose, as it were, as glasses, and what we look at, we see through them. It doesn’t even occur to us to take them off.
Words are why we have arrived on top of food chain, the self-declared crown of evolution, second to none, with the license to kill whatever we will, including each other, having landed on the backside of the moon, getting ready for breakfast on mars — while the wordless, the rest of the planet, isn’t and aren’t.
The children of no matter what — be it ours or of an elephant, fish, bird, tree, flower, fly, or other insect — arrive on Earth wordless. But then we, the only animal among 8.7 million different types, morph into animals with words between the ages of 1 to 3 (average), now in a war against nature that if we win, we lose.
Is this what we have words for?
As luck would have it, we also have a sense of humor through which we see what’s going on and laugh about it, not convinced if that’s scary, or funny, or how it’s supposed to benefit each other and the wordless world.
Why has the rest of the world decided to stay away from words?
What does the rest of the world know that we with words ignore?
The answer is blowing in the wind, but without our sense of humor, if we haven’t already, we’d all go insane.
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#WordsMatter #NatureSpeaks #WordlessWisdom