From starting 13,750 years ago to billions in the blink of an eye.
Something in evolution started with naught (zero) when the age was stone, the Sahara green, and Northern Europe under 1-mile-thick ice.
Now, they’re billions.
Haven’t guessed what I’m talking about?
Talking about the number of words on planet Earth.
There are not just billions of words on Earth, there are also 9 billions of us using them.
I don’t call us human. I call us word-users because like our ancestors that spoke the first, we’re animals with words.
We’re not ancestors anymore of course, we are now their children that know, or have heard about, that in the beginning is the word.
Practically speaking, in the beginning is the word is how everything began. And how how everything continues to begin as we speak.
Without the word in the beginning we wouldn’t be talking about how it all began now. In fact we wouldn’t be talking about anything.
Fact, everything began with the word in the beginning.
It begs the question, how did did the word go from 0 to 1, and then onward to billions, in less time than it takes for a word-user’s blink of an eye?
The word stole the idea from the egg, a brilliant idea indeed.
The chicken was the egg’s idea for getting more eggs.
The word-user was the word’s idea for getting more words.
With equally brilliant success.
If you must know how it all began, it all began with how words, with our help, arrived from zero 13,750 years ago to billions faster than it takes for a word-user’s blink of an eye.
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#WordsFromZeroToBillions #PowerOfWordsEvolution #BeginningIsTheWord