Two types of animals
The Carnival of the Animals is a musical about animals that talk and sing — lions, hens, roosters donkeys, tortoises, elephants, kangaroos, fish, cuckoos, swans and other kinds of birds — composed by Camille Saint-Saëns 139 years ago.
The Carnival of the Animals is not alone. It is similar to Animal Farm, written by George Orwell, which features talking pigs, boars, horses, a donkey, sheep, dogs, chickens, cows, ravens, and cats.
The two together are similar to Walt Disney’s animated films that feature talking and singing mice, ducks, dogs, lions, deer, elephants, bears, meerkats, warthogs, fish, other kinds of birds, flowers and teapots, too, to name a few.
All of these animals, flowers, and teapots are beloved by word-users of all ages.
Because all of these talk and sing just like we talk and sing.
What’s wrong?
What’s wrong with that is that the majority of word-users do not know there exist two types of animals.
- The animals that use words ever since the first words got invented 13,750 years ago when the age was stone, the Sahara green, and Northern Europe under 1-mile-thick ice.
- The wordless animals that stubbornly refuse to use words to this.
100% of the animals are born wordless
Both types of animals are born wordless. Zero exceptions. It’s only after both types of animals are born that for reasons unexplained they pursue their own separate ways.
Word-users vs wordless
9 million animal species — far too many to count — stubbornly refuse to use words to this day, while just one other animal specie, also known as word-users, their number meanwhile 9 billion and counting, use words after they’re born. That’s how we know in the beginning is the word. Word-using animals learn words between the ages of 1 and 6, some faster, some slower, from their parents and at school.
The word-user is unique, the only specie on Earth that uses words.
None of tbe other 9 million species of animals talk for they never went to school where words are taught.
The Carnival of the Animals, Animal Farm, animated films
Whether it’s in The Carnival of the Animals, Animal Farm, or animated films, when you hear talking and singing lions, hens, roosters donkeys, tortoises, elephants, kangaroos, fish, birds, pigs, boars, horses, sheep, dogs, chickens, cows, ravens, cats, mice, ducks, deer, bears, meerkats, warthogs, trees, mountains, flowers, teapots, superwoman, superman, James Bond, and gods, it’s the words and voices of one of the 9 billion word-using animals that went to school where words are taught that talks and sings on their behalf.
Makes you wonder how much the wordless know the wordful don’t know anything about, doesn’t it?